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Three Ways To Get Your House Ready For Summer

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The summer months in Australia are when people really get the chance to make the most of their outside living areas, from long nights spent enjoying the warmth under the stars to hot afternoons spent cooling down in the pool. Summer in Australia is almost synonymous with outdoor activities, and it is no surprise that this is when people make a lot of alterations to their outdoor living spaces. By getting started now, you can beat the rush and enjoy your new areas for the whole of summer rather than only a part of it. Start with the following changes.  

Install An Awning

While not often thought of as a focal point of the garden, awnings are a great way to create a shady area in your backyard that is a nice transition from your indoors to the outside. There is nothing worse than stepping outside only to be blinded by the sun in your eyes, and with an awning, you create a little area where you can get acclimatised while in the shade. Depending on how big you want it, your awning could also be big enough to keep a table and your barbecue underneath it, meaning eating outside is a possibility even on the hottest of days. Always remember to contact a professional when getting an awning installation; doing it on your own can cause you far more damage than it is worth. A contractor eliminates the risk and can get the job done very quickly.

Shade Sail Over Your Pool

Pools are staples in millions of Australians backyards, and they offer fun for the whole family all summer long. However one of the unavoidable risks of being in the pool outside during the summer months is the risk of sunburn and heat stroke. By installing a shade sail over your pool, you get a nice bit of protection that doesn't completely dominate the landscape of your backyard. These shade sails will make you able to enjoy the pool for longer with freedom, knowing you won't turn red and get sore after you get out. 

Outdoor Living Furniture

Enjoying a meal outside is a favorite past time of many, but after a long year of standing outside, many pieces of outdoor furniture show signs of wear and tear and can begin to show sharp edges or cracked material. These weather worn pieces of furniture are not pleasant to use and can actually cause minor scrapes and cuts. There is never a better time to get new furniture that will last longer. Focus on getting items with minimal parts, such as no cushions, as these often break first. 
